Marita Fraser
- Love of diagrams 2017- oil, metal leaf and japanese sizing on linen
Marita Fraser draws upon a seminal text by the pioneering and influential American artist Carolee Schneeman who died recently in 2019, and whose legacy is unquestioned in terms of a feminist, multi-disciplinary art and performance practice. Carolee Schneeman's text Parts of a body house is implemented and abstracted by Fraser as a model in which to move through her own artistic practice, tracing and performing subjective negotiation of internal and external space, through painting, sculpture, moving image and live performance. Fraser's screen sculptures sit between set and extended painting, her paintings performing an abstraction of figure and form, her performance for camera and live, articulate internal and external voice. Together the works create a haptic movement between abstraction and figuration, formal structures and the subjective voice.
This exhibition presents new paintings in a context that amplifies Fraser's holistic framework for practice, blending formalist and intuitive tendencies, creating evocations of mood and dimension through colour, texture, armatures and sound, while responding spatially to the architectural environment of MOORE CONTEMPORARY.